30.05.2024, 19.00 h
MITKUNSTZENTRALE – Materielle Kollaborationen
Valeria Fahrenkrog, Erik Göngrich, Nora Wilhelm
ZAK / Zentrum für Aktuelle Kunst, Zitadelle Spandau
Am Juliusturm 64, 13599 Berlin

Group exhibition with: bankleer, Gary Hurst, Rahel Velia Jacob, Rodney LaTourelle, Marcos García Pérez, Lukas Rosier, Nicole Schuck, Susanne Schröder, Boris Sieverts, Martina della Valle, Seçil Yersel


22.05.2024, 18.00 h
disPLAY / Kunstsommer Siegen 2024
Fassade Intervention, SVB Building
Morleystraße 29, 57072 Siegen

Cooperation between the city of Siegen/Culture Siegen, the University of Siegen/Department of Artistic Strategies in Public Spaces & Cultural Education within the WANDERSPACE project, with the Siegener Versorgungsbetriebe

22.09.2023, 18.30 h
Group exhibition with: Aram Bartholl, Heath Bunting, Tim Cierpiszewski, Valeria Fahrenkrog, Sebastian Freytag, Carola Keitel, Stefanie Klingemann, Florian Kuhlmann, Oliver Kunkel, Tonka Maleković, (Stefan Riebel), Lisa Tschorn

Ebertplatz, Cologne
22.09. – 14.10.2023

9.09.2023, 15 – 20h
Opekta Open Studios / Offene Ateliers Köln

Opekta Ateliers
Bonnerstraße 536, 50968 Köln

17.06.2023, 17 h
„Pilz-Kunst-Labor und künstlerische Materialkreislaufs-Werkstatt“

As part of the exhibition ‚making being here enough’

With: Valeria Fahrenkrog, Nora Wilhelm and Erik Göngrich

Kolumba Kunstmuseum
Kolumbastraße 4, 50667 Köln

11.05.2023, 19 h
Finissage & book presentation „El agua no se vende – se defiende“

As part of the exhibition ‚Martin Schepers. Im Lithium Dreieck – Wir verdunsten’

Valeria Fahrenkrog, Eva-Christina Meier and Martin Schepers in conversation with curator Benita Meißner

DG Kunstraum
Finkenstraße 4, 80333 München

07.05.2023, 17 h

OPEN HOUSE Artist Talk with Valeria Fahrenkrog

OPEN HOUSE is a series of events organized by Opekta e.V., presenting work by Opekta members an invited guests.

Opekta e.V.
Bonner Straße 536, 50698 Köln

07.01. – 28.01.2023
Programme & activities at El Kiosco, a project by Valeria Fahrenkrog

Participants: Ash Aravena, Claudia Del Fierro, Katha Eitner & Cristián Flores (Proyecto Ärde), Encuentro Curatorial en Contexto, Mariairis Flores, José Miguel Frías & el Kiosko Imaginario PAC, Camila González y Daniela Josefina (Hambre Hambre Hambre), Constanza Hermosilla, Colectivo Monumentos Incómodos, Diego Parra, Juank Pino y los Psycho Winkas,  Pierina Rondanelli y Paulina de Pablo Pérez (Radio Humedales) & others.

Moderation: Valeria Fahrenkrog

Félix Mendelssohn 2941, Santiago, Metro PAC Línea 6

PDF Programa

20.01.22, 19 h
Finissage of NachSpielZeit, Group exhibition, rk-Galerie Berlin

Artists: Esther Ernst, MITKUNSTZENTRALE, ON/OFF, Orekari Estudio & Salomé Wackernagel, Santiago Cirugeda (Recetas Urbanas), Tobias Purfürst.

Curators: Susanne Bosch, Georg Zolchow

rk-Galerie für zeitgenössische Kunst im Ratskeller
Möllendorffstraße 6, 10367 Berlin, S+U Frankfurter Allee

07.01.2023, 18.30 h
Opening of El Kiosco, a project by Valeria Fahrenkrog
& book launch of CHILE INTERNATIONAL II 
(Valeria Fahrenkrog, Eva-Christina Meier, Galería Metropolitana)

In Galería Metropolitana PAC, EL KIOSCO becomes an installation that refers to those urban infrastructures, that allow us to get in touch with a daily micro economy of objects and affections. EL KIOSCO will be adapted to the spatial and temporary context of the exhibition space, where it will function as a platform for encounters, to share different forms of work, artistic practices and local knowledge. This ephemeral architecture will be activated during the three weeks of the exhibition in a processual, collaborative and cumulative way.

Participants of El Kiosco: Ash Aravena, Claudia Del Fierro, Katha Eitner & Cristián Flores (Proyecto Ärde), Encuentro Curatorial en Contexto, Enrique Flores, Mariairis Flores, José Miguel Frías, Formato Variable, Camila González y Daniela Josefina (Hambre Hambre Hambre), Constanza Hermosilla, David Maulen, Julia Mensch, Marcela Moraga, museo de la democracia, Dani Negri, Colectivo Monumentos Incómodos, Diego Parra, Juank Pino y los Psycho Winkas, Leonardo Portus, Revista de Crítica Cultural, Pierina Rondanelli y Paulina de Pablo Pérez (Radio Humedales), Hilda Yáñez & others.

Félix Mendelssohn 2941, Santiago, Metro PAC Línea 6

08.11.22, 19 h
Opening of NachSpielZeit, Group exhibition, rk-Galerie Berlin
NachSpielZeit is dedicated to questions of how we see and understand our cities and neighbourhoods; how we interact with them. The exhibited artistic positions deal with both the status quo and the utopian potential of urban space. The focus is on current transformation processes and the associated demands of future coexistence. Some of the works refer directly to the Fennpfuhl district of Lichtenberg.

Artists: Esther Ernst, MITKUNSTZENTRALE, ON/OFF, Orekari Estudio & Salomé Wackernagel, Santiago Cirugeda (Recetas Urbanas), Tobias Purfürst.

Curators: Susanne Bosch, Georg Zolchow

rk-Galerie für zeitgenössische Kunst im Ratskeller
Möllendorffstraße 6, 10367 Berlin, S+U Frankfurter Allee

October 2022
Publication of the book „CHILE INTERNATIONAL II“
Editors: Valeria Fahrenkrog, Eva-Christina Meier, Galería Metropolitana
172 pages, Softcover, Klebebindung, 17,6 x 25 cm
Graphic design: Ernst und Mund, Leipzig
In cooperation with nGbK Verlag.

10.09.22, 11 h – 16 h
Open workshop with recycled materials
10.09.22, 16.30 h – 18 h
Talk „Lass mal reden – künstlerische Interventionen als Mittel der partizipativen Stadtentwicklung“ with Kassandra Kanthak (Moderation), Stefan Demming, Valeria Fahrenkrog (Mitkunstzentrale), and Garvin Dickhof (Da staunste Bauklötze).
Biennale der urbanen Landschaft
Munscheidstraße 14, 45886 Gelsenkirchen

13.08.22, 15 h
Moderation of the talk „In-Situ: wenn Kunst Stadt ko-produziert“
with: Markus Butkereit, Matthias Gräßlin, Svenja Noltemeyer
Rochdale Barracks, Oldentruper Str. 65, 33604 Bielefeld


11.06.22, 15 h
Opening of SATELLIT, collaborative project- and neighbourhoodspace
Weinstraße 11, 10249 Berlin

16.04.21, 19 h
Opening „museo de la democracia“
at nGbK via live stream
nGbK Project-group: Valeria Fahrenkrog, Daniela Labra, Teobaldo Lagos Preller, Marcela Moraga, Paz Ponce Pérez-Bustamante

03.03.21, 18 h
The website of the project MITKUNSTZENTRALE at Haus der Statistik in Berlin is online!

22.08.20, 18 h
nGbK – station urbaner kulturen
Green land near U5 station Cottbusser Platz, at Maxie-Wander-Straße/corner Carola-Neher-Straße, 12619 Berlin

Talk with Valeria Fahrenkrog (AG Spielclub, 2019-2020) about the ›Fest‹ [engl. Party] on the Berlin housing estate Märkischen Viertel in 1971 and about other activities by AG Spielumwelt (1969-71)

12.08. – 26.08.20
MITKUNSTZENTRALE, Haus der Statistik, Berlin

11.07.20, 15 h
nGbK – station urbaner kulturen
Green land near U5 station Cottbusser Platz, at Maxie-Wander-Straße/corner Carola-Neher-Straße, 12619 Berlin
Opening, GOING OUT OF CIRCLES – Part 4
Housing estates and the production of images of themselves
As part of GOING OUT OF CIRCLES 4 this summer, two artistic positions addressing the theme of »children and adolescents on housing estates« will be exhibited on billboards. The AG Spielclub will show photographs of a playable model city built in 1971 by artists with and for children in public space on the Märkisches Viertel Estate in Berlin. Titled »Fest« (engl. Party), the model city functioned as a playful framework for young people to experiment for ten days outdoors on production, selling, monopolism and revolution.

01.07.20, 17 h
Richtfest STUDIOLO, Haus der Statistik, Berlin
Inauguration of the STUDIOLO, part of the MITKUNSTZENTRALE
Special Guest Davide Moritz (baking futures)

22.06.20, 14 h
Richtfest MITKUNSTZENTRALE, Haus der Statistik, Berlin
Inauguration of the MITKUNSTZENTRALE and exhibition with Alexander Callsen & Boris Joens (Igel der Begegnung), Susanne Schröder, Gary Hurst, Erik Göngrich and Valeria Fahrenkrog

27.02.20, 17 h

Goethe Institut Santiago de Chile, Av. Holanda 100, Providencia
Presentation and Talk „Spielclub Oranienstraße 25“
with Valeria Fahrenkrog

7.12.19 15 h
nGbK, Oranienstraße 25, 10999 Berlin
Guided tour of the exhibition „Spielclub Oranienstraße 25“
with Valeria Fahrenkrog and Katharina von Hagenow

23.11.19, 14 h
nGbK, Oranienstraße 25, 10999 Berlin
Fotoakademie at „Spielclub Oranienstraße 25“, with Valeria Fahrenkrog and Zsófia Puszt.
The Photo Academy invites children and youngsters aged 8–13 to produce a photographic record of the Spielclub’s symbolic reconstruction of the Oranienstrasse. How do photos of city situations and streets look? Which details catch our eye when we wander about in urban space?
The workshop will end with a small exhibition.
Further dates:

15.11.19, 19 h
Opening „Spielclub Oranienstraße 25“
a playable model city, plus exhibition
16.11.19 – 19.01.20
Oranienstraße 25, 10999 Berlin

The revival of the »Spielklub Kulmer Strasse« takes the form of a 2-month experimental set-up, the »Spielclub Oranienstrasse 25«, for which the nGbK exhibition space will be transformed into a symbolic model of the Oranienstrasse. Local school classes will spend PlayDays there, devising ways to deal with current urban development issues in Berlin and, more specifically, in the Oranienstrasse, for example, housing policy, rent levels and participation in movements for social change.

nGbK project group: Valeria Fahrenkrog, Marcos García Pérez, Moritz Gramming, Katharina von Hagenow, Claudia Hummel


01.10.19, 18.30 h
Guest at the discussion „Kulturrevolution“ / art to power instead of the future of work

Four renowned activists* and academics* bring the latest views on the future of work, participatory art, network politics and sociology into a controversial discussion.

With: Dr. Florian Butollo, Valeria Fahrenkrog, Nina Galla, Prof. Dr. Werner Rammert. Moderation: Georg Scharegg.

Theaterdiscounter, Klosterstraße 44, 10179 Berlin

08.09. – 27.10.19, 14 h
Museum verbindet- Walking through life in Berlin

All experts of the city of Berlin are in invited to the open dialogue to make the city´s complexity visible. Supposedly invisible components and features of Berlin are increasingly being taken into account.

With interesting guests, we make Berlin’s diversity in everyday life a theme in the exhibition BerlinZEIT.

Dates Autumn 2019
08.09. + 22.09. + 13.10. + 27.10

Am Köllnischen Park 5 | 10179 Berlin


05.05. – 30.06.19, 12 h
Museum verbindet- Walking through life in Berlin

All experts of the city of Berlin are in invited to the open dialogue to make the city´s complexity visible. Supposedly invisible components and features of Berlin are increasingly being taken into account.

With interesting guests, we make Berlin’s diversity in everyday life a theme in the exhibition BerlinZEIT.

Dates Spring/Summer 2019
05.05. + 19.05. + 02.06. + 16.06. + 30.06.

Am Köllnischen Park 5 | 10179 Berlin


15.02.19, 19 h
Opening „40 Jahre Kunst im Kontext: Positionen, Schnittmengen, Kommentare
nGbK, Oranienstraße 25, 10999 Berlin


17.01.19, 19 h
Launch of the book & discussion
„Der weltrevolutionäre Prozess seit Karl Marx und Friedrich Engels bis in die Gegenwart“
Authors: Heinz Peter Knes & Dominikus Müller
with: Dieter Klein, Anett Schubotz and Valeria Fahrenkrog about the past, the present and the future of the
Marx-Engels-Forum in Berlin.

Berliner Stadtbibliothek, Berlin-Saal
Breite Straße 30-36, 10178 Berlin

Launch of the documentary SACO7 Origin & Myth

Launch of the book SACO7 Origin & Myth
spanish / english
Available at issuu

30.11.2018, 18h
40 Jahre Institut für Kunst im Kontext
1. – 21. December 2018
Universität der Künste Berlin, Hardenbergstr. 33


Fragmentos de Memoria: „Chango“ López finds a new home.
The piece was donated to the public school D-86 Juan López, Antofagasta in a public act this morning.

16.10.2018, 18 h
Resonance Gallery, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Opening, group exhibition „World Resonance“

25.09.2018, 11 – 18 h
Portfolio viewing with the artists participating in ¡n[s]urgênc!as 2018
Agora Collective, Berlin


09.08.2018, 12 h

Muelle Histórico, Antofagasta Chile

07.08.2018, 11 h

Begegnung mit Schüler aus dem Complejo Educativo Juan José Latorre Benavente, Mejillones, Chile

Encounter with students from the Complejo Educativo Juan José Latorre Benavente, Mejillones, Chile

03.06.2018,  15 h

Marx-Engels-Forum, Berlin

08.11.22, 19 h
Opening of NachSpielZeit, Group exhibition, rk-Galerie Berlin
NachSpielZeit is dedicated to questions of how we see and understand our cities and neighbourhoods; how we interact with them. The exhibited artistic positions deal with both the status quo and the utopian potential of urban space. The focus is on current transformation processes and the associated demands of future coexistence. Some of the works refer directly to the Fennpfuhl district of Lichtenberg.

Artists: Esther Ernst, MITKUNSTZENTRALE, ON/OFF, Orekari Estudio & Salomé Wackernagel, Santiago Cirugeda (Recetas Urbanas), Tobias Purfürst.

Curators: Susanne Bosch, Georg Zolchow

rk-Galerie für zeitgenössische Kunst im Ratskeller
Möllendorffstraße 6, 10367 Berlin, S+U Frankfurter Allee

October 2022
Publication of the book „CHILE INTERNATIONAL II“
Editors: Valeria Fahrenkrog, Eva-Christina Meier, Galería Metropolitana
172 pages, Softcover, Klebebindung, 17,6 x 25 cm
Graphic design: Ernst und Mund, Leipzig
In cooperation with nGbK Verlag.

10.09.22, 11 h – 16 h
Open workshop with recycled materials
10.09.22, 16.30 h – 18 h
Talk „Lass mal reden – künstlerische Interventionen als Mittel der partizipativen Stadtentwicklung“ with Kassandra Kanthak (Moderation), Stefan Demming, Valeria Fahrenkrog (Mitkunstzentrale), and Garvin Dickhof (Da staunste Bauklötze).
Biennale der urbanen Landschaft
Munscheidstraße 14, 45886 Gelsenkirchen

13.08.22, 15 h
Moderation of the talk „In-Situ: wenn Kunst Stadt ko-produziert“
with: Markus Butkereit, Matthias Gräßlin, Svenja Noltemeyer
Rochdale Barracks, Oldentruper Str. 65, 33604 Bielefeld


11.06.22, 15 h
Opening of SATELLIT, collaborative project- and neighbourhoodspace
Weinstraße 11, 10249 Berlin

16.04.21, 19 h
Opening „museo de la democracia“
at nGbK via live stream
nGbK Project-group: Valeria Fahrenkrog, Daniela Labra, Teobaldo Lagos Preller, Marcela Moraga, Paz Ponce Pérez-Bustamante

03.03.21, 18 h
The website of the project MITKUNSTZENTRALE at Haus der Statistik in Berlin is online!

22.08.20, 18 h
nGbK – station urbaner kulturen
Green land near U5 station Cottbusser Platz, at Maxie-Wander-Straße/corner Carola-Neher-Straße, 12619 Berlin

Talk with Valeria Fahrenkrog (AG Spielclub, 2019-2020) about the ›Fest‹ [engl. Party] on the Berlin housing estate Märkischen Viertel in 1971 and about other activities by AG Spielumwelt (1969-71)

12.08. – 26.08.20
MITKUNSTZENTRALE, Haus der Statistik, Berlin

11.07.20, 15 h
nGbK – station urbaner kulturen
Green land near U5 station Cottbusser Platz, at Maxie-Wander-Straße/corner Carola-Neher-Straße, 12619 Berlin
Opening, GOING OUT OF CIRCLES – Part 4
Housing estates and the production of images of themselves
As part of GOING OUT OF CIRCLES 4 this summer, two artistic positions addressing the theme of »children and adolescents on housing estates« will be exhibited on billboards. The AG Spielclub will show photographs of a playable model city built in 1971 by artists with and for children in public space on the Märkisches Viertel Estate in Berlin. Titled »Fest« (engl. Party), the model city functioned as a playful framework for young people to experiment for ten days outdoors on production, selling, monopolism and revolution.

01.07.20, 17 h
Richtfest STUDIOLO, Haus der Statistik, Berlin
Inauguration of the STUDIOLO, part of the MITKUNSTZENTRALE
Special Guest Davide Moritz (baking futures)

22.06.20, 14 h
Richtfest MITKUNSTZENTRALE, Haus der Statistik, Berlin
Inauguration of the MITKUNSTZENTRALE and exhibition with Alexander Callsen & Boris Joens (Igel der Begegnung), Susanne Schröder, Gary Hurst, Erik Göngrich and Valeria Fahrenkrog

27.02.20, 17 h

Goethe Institut Santiago de Chile, Av. Holanda 100, Providencia
Presentation and Talk „Spielclub Oranienstraße 25“
with Valeria Fahrenkrog

7.12.19 15 h
nGbK, Oranienstraße 25, 10999 Berlin
Guided tour of the exhibition „Spielclub Oranienstraße 25“
with Valeria Fahrenkrog and Katharina von Hagenow

23.11.19, 14 h
nGbK, Oranienstraße 25, 10999 Berlin
Fotoakademie at „Spielclub Oranienstraße 25“, with Valeria Fahrenkrog and Zsófia Puszt.
The Photo Academy invites children and youngsters aged 8–13 to produce a photographic record of the Spielclub’s symbolic reconstruction of the Oranienstrasse. How do photos of city situations and streets look? Which details catch our eye when we wander about in urban space?
The workshop will end with a small exhibition.
Further dates:

15.11.19, 19 h
Opening „Spielclub Oranienstraße 25“
a playable model city, plus exhibition
16.11.19 – 19.01.20
Oranienstraße 25, 10999 Berlin

The revival of the »Spielklub Kulmer Strasse« takes the form of a 2-month experimental set-up, the »Spielclub Oranienstrasse 25«, for which the nGbK exhibition space will be transformed into a symbolic model of the Oranienstrasse. Local school classes will spend PlayDays there, devising ways to deal with current urban development issues in Berlin and, more specifically, in the Oranienstrasse, for example, housing policy, rent levels and participation in movements for social change.

nGbK project group: Valeria Fahrenkrog, Marcos García Pérez, Moritz Gramming, Katharina von Hagenow, Claudia Hummel


01.10.19, 18.30 h
Guest at the discussion „Kulturrevolution“ / art to power instead of the future of work

Four renowned activists* and academics* bring the latest views on the future of work, participatory art, network politics and sociology into a controversial discussion.

With: Dr. Florian Butollo, Valeria Fahrenkrog, Nina Galla, Prof. Dr. Werner Rammert. Moderation: Georg Scharegg.

Theaterdiscounter, Klosterstraße 44, 10179 Berlin

08.09. – 27.10.19, 14 h
Museum verbindet- Walking through life in Berlin

All experts of the city of Berlin are in invited to the open dialogue to make the city´s complexity visible. Supposedly invisible components and features of Berlin are increasingly being taken into account.

With interesting guests, we make Berlin’s diversity in everyday life a theme in the exhibition BerlinZEIT.

Dates Autumn 2019
08.09. + 22.09. + 13.10. + 27.10

Am Köllnischen Park 5 | 10179 Berlin


05.05. – 30.06.19, 12 h
Museum verbindet- Walking through life in Berlin

All experts of the city of Berlin are in invited to the open dialogue to make the city´s complexity visible. Supposedly invisible components and features of Berlin are increasingly being taken into account.

With interesting guests, we make Berlin’s diversity in everyday life a theme in the exhibition BerlinZEIT.

Dates Spring/Summer 2019
05.05. + 19.05. + 02.06. + 16.06. + 30.06.

Am Köllnischen Park 5 | 10179 Berlin


15.02.19, 19 h
Opening „40 Jahre Kunst im Kontext: Positionen, Schnittmengen, Kommentare
nGbK, Oranienstraße 25, 10999 Berlin


17.01.19, 19 h
Launch of the book & discussion
„Der weltrevolutionäre Prozess seit Karl Marx und Friedrich Engels bis in die Gegenwart“
Authors: Heinz Peter Knes & Dominikus Müller
with: Dieter Klein, Anett Schubotz and Valeria Fahrenkrog about the past, the present and the future of the
Marx-Engels-Forum in Berlin.

Berliner Stadtbibliothek, Berlin-Saal
Breite Straße 30-36, 10178 Berlin

Launch of the documentary SACO7 Origin & Myth

Launch of the book SACO7 Origin & Myth
spanish / english
Available at issuu

30.11.2018, 18h
40 Jahre Institut für Kunst im Kontext
1. – 21. December 2018
Universität der Künste Berlin, Hardenbergstr. 33


Fragmentos de Memoria: „Chango“ López finds a new home.
The piece was donated to the public school D-86 Juan López, Antofagasta in a public act this morning.

16.10.2018, 18 h
Resonance Gallery, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Opening, group exhibition „World Resonance“

25.09.2018, 11 – 18 h
Portfolio viewing with the artists participating in ¡n[s]urgênc!as 2018
Agora Collective, Berlin


09.08.2018, 12 h

Muelle Histórico, Antofagasta Chile

07.08.2018, 11 h

Begegnung mit Schüler aus dem Complejo Educativo Juan José Latorre Benavente, Mejillones, Chile

Encounter with students from the Complejo Educativo Juan José Latorre Benavente, Mejillones, Chile

03.06.2018,  15 h

Marx-Engels-Forum, Berlin