Valeria Fahrenkrog (MITKUNSTZENTRALE)
Realisation: Valeria Fahrenkrog & Nora Wilhelm
Recyceld materials, 250 x 210 x 150 cm, 2021
El Kiosco was developed for the exhibition museo de la democracia at neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst (nGbK) Berlin.
Between April and June 2021, the „museo“ presented its temporary collection with a program of events in the rooms of the Berlin nGbK. The fictional museum thematized events of Latin America’s recent history and present.
Kiosks are central nodes for economies, mobility, and interaction of everyday life. By displacing this urban architecture into the exhibition space, the kiosk became a site for reinterpreting the social and territorial order and activation of public and private life.
The goal was to work with used materials from Haus der Materialisierung (Haus der Statistik) and make the kiosk circularly accessible in further use.